Developments in Ground Based Connected Networks for Constellation Solutions

Satellite constellation bandwidth requirements can be greatly reduced using innovative approaches to Earth station architectures. With several new constellations approaching implementation, what role can intersatellite communications (optical, laser or otherwise), ground/terminals and high-speed terrestrial ground station interconnection play in optimizing operations? With worldwide networks involving thousands of satellites, what’s new in the area of distributed systems networks and how can the market be expected to grow in the near future?

Date: October 8, 2019 Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Chris Stott
Founder, Chair & CEO

Rob Call
Director Business Development

SSC Space US
David Gelerman
President and CEO

Spacebridge Inc.
Shayn Hawthorne
General Manager

AWS Ground Station
Katherine D. Monson
Head of KSAT USA

Steve Richeson
Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Mission Microwave Technologies, LLC
Thomas Van den Driessche
